Suggested Quarter End Reviews

To get started, simply click on one of the sections below and follow the instructions. If you need any assistance, please contact us at or 866-535-0897 ext. 3.  


How to Check Household Names and Addresses

  1. Go to the "Accounts" page
  2. Select "All Groups" from the "View" dropdown and click "Filter"
  3. Generate the "(Advisor) Household Information" bulk report and review the information

How to Check Accounts Assigned to a Household

  1. Go to the "Accounts" page
  2. Select "All Groups" from the "View" dropdown and click "Filter"
  3. Export all the groups and their underlying accounts to Excel

How to Create or Update a Household

  1. Go to the "Accounts" page
  2. Select "All Groups" from the "View" dropdown and click "Filter"
  3. To create a household, click "Create Group", complete the applicable fields and click save
  4. To edit a household, click on the name of the group, make the updates and click save


How to Check Account Information

  1. Go to the "Accounts" page
  2. Select "All Accounts" from the "View" dropdown and click "Filter"
  3. Generate the "(Advisor) Account Information" bulk report and review the information

How to Update Account Information

  1. Go to the "Accounts" page
  2. Click on the account name of the account you want to edit
  3. Update the applicable field(s) and click save

Billing Settings

How to Check Billing Specifications

  1. Go to the "Accounts" page
  2. Select "All Accounts" from the "View" dropdown and click "Filter"
  3. Generate the "(Advisor) Billing Information" bulk report and review the information

How to Update Billing Specifications

  1. In the Excel spreadsheet, highlight the cells you would like to update, put a copy of the spreadsheet on the shared Google Drive and send an email to requesting the updates. 
  2. Once Asset Dedication makes the changes, please review the billing specifications again and verify that everything is correct.

Client Portals

How to Check Client Portals

  1. Go to the "Client Management" page
  2. Click "Export" in the top right hand corner of the screen

How to Update Client Portals

  1. To update a name, email address, password, client view, activation status or default account view, follow the instructions in the video below. 
  2. For all other changes, please highlight the cells in the Excel spreadsheet that you would like to update, put a copy of the spreadsheet on the shared Google Drive and send an email to requesting the updates. 
  3. Once Asset Dedication makes the changes, please review the portal settings again and verify that everything is correct.