Get Started
Firm Setup
The process below only applies if you want to utilize Asset Dedication’s back office services for accounts that won’t be managed by Asset Dedication.
Step 1: Account Aggregation
Step 2: Household Setup
Step 3: Performance Data Migration (Optional)
Step 4: Client Portal Activation (Optional)
Pre-activation Sample Email
I recently setup a portal for you so that you can view your accounts and reports online. To activate and access your portal, please follow the steps below.
1. Look out for an email titled “Activate your client portal” from “Financial Portal Management”.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions
Once activated, your portal can be accessed by clicking here (INPUT YOUR LINK) or by going to my website and clicking the Login button in the top right-hand corner. (ADD THE LINK TO YOUR WEBSITE)
If you have any questions or don’t receive an activation email within two business days, please let me know.
Thank you,
Activation Email
Sender: Financial Portal Management <>
Subject: Activate your client portal
Client Setup
Create a Proposal
Using the AdvisorSpace portal, you can request most proposals on-demand. If you don’t have an AdvisorSpace login, click here to request one. Otherwise, click here to log into AdvisorSpace.

Request custodial forms and generate an agreement
Inside of the AdvisorSpace portal, you can generate agreements on-demand and request the custodial forms that the client will need. If you don’t have an AdvisorSpace login, click here to request one. Otherwise, click here to log into AdvisorSpace.

Meet with your Client
When you meet with your client, feel free to utilize the proposal and marketing materials. Once the client is comfortable moving forward, have them sign the custodial forms and Asset Dedication agreements.
Submit an Implementation Request
Once the accounts are ready to implement, simply complete our implementation form so that we can gather your desired settings (ex. portfolio, bond ladder preferences, capital gains restrictions, cash reserves, asset location, dollar cost averaging, etc)
Now relax while we:

Holistically implement the portfolio
If specified in the IPS, we will incorporate any held-away securities or securities that cannot be sold for tax or sentimental reasons into our model so that your client has a holistic and tax-sensitive portfolio. For example, if your client holds an S&P 500 index fund in their unmanaged 401K, we will proportionally reduce our allocation to US Large cap in the managed accounts.
Activate Your Client’s Portal
If you selected the portal activation option in the Investment Policy Statement, we will setup a portal for your client and send them an activation email.

Deliver Reports
We run quarterly reports to your customized specifications and electronically deliver them to your client after you approve them. Every client will receive an email notification with a link to their client portal for easy access.

Calculate Management Fees
We perform quarterly calculations to process both your management fees and ours, based on the billing settings you provided.

Reconcile the Accounts
Once an account is funded, we will reconcile that account each business day. This includes importing the account’s portfolio data to the client’s online portal. If you would like us to reconcile external accounts and bring them into the portal, we will provide you with a ByAllAccounts login that is linked to the portal.
Monitor the Cash Balances and Bond Ratings
We will monitor the cash in each account, and reinvest or liquidate according to the cash settings you have defined. We will also monitor your clients’ bonds each day and notify you should any ratings change.

Rebalance the Portfolio
We will rebalance an account when it is outside of the pre-determined tolerance bands, and the cost of rebalancing does not offset the value of doing so.
Meet with a Team Member
Fill out the form below, and you will be directed to our online meeting scheduler.